NUEVO True Slim Tea
Extra Strength True Slim Tea is the strongest dieter tea provided by the brand Bamboo Leaf. This diet solution is an efficient weight-loss aid as it helps improve metabolism, reduce fat deposits from the body, bloating, and cleanse the digestive system. Extra strength True slim teabags are composed of a large variety of oriental herbs including Malva Verticil, making it a natural solution supporting rapid and safe weight loss if consumed wisely and combined with exercise and a healthy diet.
How to Take:
- Boil water.
- Place the tea bag in a mug.
- Add the hot water.
- Brew tea for 1-2 minutes.
- Stir well.
- Allow cooling for a few minutes.
- Add sweeteners like Truvia Naturally Sweetner , BOSCO Small Honey .
- Serve and Enjoy.
The result is a delicious tea that brews to a light golden color and unique flavor.
It is not advisable for a pregnant woman or people with certain health conditions to take it. It’s advisable to speak to your doctor and get his approval before taking it.
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