3 Easy Steps to Control Infertility

3 Easy Steps to Control Infertility

About Infertility

According to WHO, https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/infertility Infertility is a disease of the male or female reproductive system defined as the failure to achieve a pregnancy after 1 year or more of unprotected sexual intercourse.

An estimation suggests that between 48 million couples and 186 million individuals live with infertility globally. Infertility isn’t just a woman’s problem, it is a problem for both men and women. For women who are over 35, there is a 90% chance of not being able to get pregnant after 6 months of trying and that’s because of their age.

In this article, we will discuss 3 easy steps to control infertility. But first, let’s look at types of infertility.

Types of infertility

There are two types of infertility, they include:

1. Primary infertility

Primary infertility is when a woman has never been able to get pregnant.

2. Secondary infertility

Secondary infertility is when a woman has had at least one or two successful pregnancies in the past.

Studies have shown that about one-third of infertility cases can be associated with women, while another third can be related to men. Also, when male and female infertility is combined, it is said to be the third infertility case. Sometimes the causes of infertility cannot be known, but the chances are slim.

Causes of infertility

There are various factors that contribute to the infertility of men and women.

 Male infertility causes

They include the following:

1. Medications and drugs

Examples of medications and drugs that can affect male fertility are:

  • tricyclic antidepressants
  • chemotherapy which is used for cancer
  • marijuana and cocaine
  • sulfasalazine is often used for RA(rheumatoid arthritis) and UC(ulcerative colitis).
  • calcium channel blockers used for blood pressure
  • anabolic steroid

2. Medical conditions

  • having antibodies that attack the sperm and destroy them
  • retrograde ejaculation
  • hormonal imbalance
  • undescended testicles
  • varicocele

3. smoking cigarettes

4. exposure to toxins, such as herbicides, pesticides, and heavy metals

5. excess alcohol consumption

6. Old age

Any of these risk factors can lead to infertility in men.

Female infertility causes

Studies conclude that ovulation issue causes one-quarter of female infertility. But they are other risk factors that affect female infertility, they include the following:

1. Medications and drugs

  • long-term high usage of NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
  • antipsychotic medications
  • chemotherapy
  • drugs such as marijuana and cocaine

2. Medical conditions

  • hormonal imbalance
  • uterine fibroids
  • pelvic in inflammatory disease
  • scarring from previous surgery
  • endometriosis
  • premature ovarian failure

3. Sexually transmitted disease

4. Old age

5. Smoking cigarettes

6. Heavy alcohol drinking

7. overweight or underweight

If you and your partner have been seeking fertility treatment for a long time now, this article has some recommendations for you.

Steps to control infertility


1. Know the symptoms

Knowing the symptoms of infertility in both males and females is important. The symptoms of infertility in both genders vary.

For females, the symptoms are:

  1. Painful or heavy periods – most women experience stomach cramps during their period, it is considered normal. But if the pains become so unbearable it’s a sign of endometriosis which is one of the causes of infertility.
  2. Pain during sex – experiencing pain during sex isn’t normal, it could be related to hormones and other underlying medical conditions that can cause infertility.
  3. Irregular or no periods – stress and heavy workout can result in irregular periods. But if you hardly see your periods in months, then it is needed you visit a doctor and have your fertility examined.
  4. Hormone fluctuations – hormone fluctuations such as weight gain, facial hair growth, skin issues, low sex drive, and tiny hair can contribute to infertility issues.

For males, the symptoms are:

  1. Erection Problems – a man’s erection is often linked to his hormone levels, when an erection can not be controlled, it results in reduced hormones. Reduced hormones can affect fertility in men.
  2. Changes in sex drive – changes in virility are changes in hormones which can be an issue to fertility.
  3. Ejaculation issues – the inability of a man to ejaculate are signs of infertility. Visit a doctor or health professionals for medical advice if experiencing ejaculation issues.
  4. Testicle pains and swelling – testicle pains and swellings could be a result of various health diseases, such health conditions can affect male fertility if not treated.

If you’re concerned with any of these symptoms, consult your doctor for solutions. Your doctor will carry out various testings include infertility testing to know your overall health conditions.

2. Know the causes

Knowing the factors that cause infertility is very important. It serves as the key solution to tackling the problem of infertility.

3. Accept treatments

Infertility treatment varies depending on the factors related to individual infertility.

Factors that determine infertility treatments
  • you and your partner’s ages
  • period of time you’ve been trying to conceive
  • health check of you and your partner
  • the cause of infertility
Types of treatments
  1. Surgery
  2. Medications
  3. Assisted reproductive technology(ART)
  4. Herbal tea
Treatment for female
  • Surgery – treatment for women’s infertility includes surgery. Surgery helps improve fertility by removing fibroids, unblocking fallopian tubes, and correcting abnormal-shaped uterus.
  • Assisted reproductive technology – involves methods such as intrauterine insemination (IUI). Millions of sperms are injected into a woman’s uterus near the time of ovulation during IUI.
  • Medications – infertility medications help encourage or regulate ovulation in the body just like hormones.
  • Herbal tea – surgery has become rare now because of advanced infertility treatments like herbal teas. There are a variety of herbal teas that help treat female infertility, they include GREATEA Infertility Control Herbal TeaSmiley Fertility Booster Tea, and TWININGS SYNERGY Fertility Support Tea For Women.
Treatment for male


A number of couples who experience infertility have been able to conceive after some time. What does this mean? Being diagnosed with infertility doesn’t mean you won’t be able to bear a child, you will, but it will take some time. We are in an advanced world, and the chances of bearing your own child are very big. For some, they might need medical assistance, herbal treatment and etc. while to some it will happen naturally without any treatment. The choice is to be made by both you and your partner.

Treatments for infertility vary depending on the factors related to it. In some cases, fertility issues may not be treated even after applying all recommended treatments. In such circumstances, your doctor may suggest surrogacy, sperm donor and etc. to you and your partner.

The bottom line is this, do not hesitate to seek medical help when faced with infertility problems. Control infertility today with these 3 easy steps listed above.


Written by Mary E. Linus

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