Tea for the skin

Say Goodbye to a Dry or Dull Skin and Hello To a Bright and Healthy Skin:

Your external appearance truly reflects how well your internal systems are functioning. We advise you to take care of your internal health because certain skin conditions such as eczema, acne, dry skin, excessive oil production, etc. can be symptoms of health issues. Alongside a nutritious diet, drinking teas twice a week helps maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

There are tons of tea options available, and each one maintains the beauty of your skin in a unique ways.

Tea for the skin


Spearmint Tea:

If you frequently develop acne, try drinking minty teas like spearmint. They contain menthol, which can help balance hormones and reduce the amount of extra sebum produced on the skin.

This tea promotes cell turnover, making it easy to shade off dead skin cells, and leaves your complexion looking radiant all the time.

Chamomile Tea: 

The best way to decompress! Great for reducing puffiness and exhaustion around the eyes when tea bag is placed directly to the eyes.

Perfect for fostering feelings of calmness, rest, and improved sleep, which are vital for allowing the skin to heal naturally and imperative for beautiful skin.  

Rooibos Tea:

A significant figure in anti-aging! It can stop and even reverse fat loss beneath the skin because of its strong antioxidant, zinc, and alpha-hydroxy acid content. It also offers protection against dangerous free radicals.

Zinc, which is abundant in Rooibos tea, can help address hormonal imbalances that cause acne.

White Tea:

The finest brew! out of all the teas, has the highest concentration of antioxidants. It can aid in delaying the aging process of the skin and halting the deterioration of collagen and elastin

Jasmine Tea:

The anti-inflammatory qualities of jasmine green tea, which help reduce oily skin, soothe acne and blemishes, and act as an anti-aging vehicle to keep your skin feeling fresh and youthful, can be absorbed by the skin through consumption. The effects of applying the tea topically will be stronger and happen faster.

Green Tea:

Green tea relaxes sensitive and acne-prone skin types by reducing inflammation. It preserves the integrity of healthy skin cells and may aid in internal defense against UV radiation-induced sun damage.

This is because of the high concentration of Epigallocatechin gallate (ECGC), an extremely powerful antioxidant that has the ability to revive dead skin cells.

Tea is a very responsive beverage. In the summer it can keep you cool, and in the winter it can provide you with something warm to wrap your hands around in case you forget your gloves. Whether you choose to use tea to help you fall asleep at night or wake yourself up in the morning, your skin will certainly appreciate it!
Explore and purchase our tea blends by clicking the link below.

5 Tips To Lower The Risk of Prostate Cancer

5 Tips To Lower The Risk of Prostate Cancer

What is Prostate Cancer?

In this article, we will discuss 5 tips to lower the risk of prostate cancer. But first, what is prostate cancer?

Prostate Cancer is cancer that occurs in the male prostate. It begins when the cells in the prostate gland start to grow out of control.
The size of the prostate of a man can switch as he ages. In younger men, the size can be compared to a walnut, but in older men, it is more extensive.
The prostate is located below the bladder, the hollow organ where urine is stored, and in front of the rectum, the last part of the intestines.

Types of prostate cancer

Studies have shown that almost all prostate cancers are adenocarcinomas. Adenocarcinomas developed from the gland cell which is a cell that makes the prostate fluid that is added to the semen.

There are other types of prostate cancers that are rare. They include:

  • Transitional cell carcinomas
  • Small cell carcinoma
  • Sarcomas
  • Neuroendocrine tumors

Some prostate cancers proliferate, while others grow slowly. In many cases, neither the individual nor the doctor is aware they have it.

Risk factors of prostate cancer

Researchers are yet to know the exact cause of prostate cancer, but they have been able to detect the risk factors that might cause prostate cancer.

1. Gene Changes

Inherited genes can increase the risk of prostate cancer. For example, men with lynch syndrome and BRAC1 or BRCA2 which is a condition caused by inherited gene changes are factors that increase the risk of the number of cancers including prostate cancer. The risk is much higher for men with several affected relatives, especially when their relatives were younger when they had prostate cancer.

2. Race/Ethnicity

Prostate cancer is most common among African American men and Caribbean men of African ancestry compare to other races. It is still unclear why it is common in some ethnicity and less common in others.

3. Age

Prostate cancer is rare in men below 40 years, but the chances increase rapidly at above 50. Most older men between the ages of 65 and above have prostate cancer compared to younger men.

4. Diet

Studies have shown that men who eat a lot of dairy products and calcium are likely to have prostate cancer.

5. Inflammation

Inflammation of the prostate gland may increase the risk of prostate cancer. The reason is that inflammation is often found in samples of prostate tissue that also contain cancer. Although researchers are yet to get a clearer understanding of how the two are linked.

Early detection

Detecting prostate cancer early is very important because it is easier to treat when is still small than when it becomes larger. It is always advisable for men to carry out a screening test for cancer in order to detect any kind of cancer including prostate cancer. This can be carried out by testing for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels in a man’s blood or digital rectal exam (DRM).  A DRM takes place when a doctor slides his fingers into the rectum to feel the prostate gland.

Prostate Cancer Treatment

Does being diagnosed with prostate cancer make you less of a man? Absolutely not! Your cancer can be treated if you pay close attention to the following tips in this article.

There are 5 tips on how to treat and lower the risk of prostate cancer.

5 top tips for treating and lowering prostate cancer

  1. Eat vegetables – consumption of vegetables has proven to be an effective way of naturally decreasing the risk of prostate cancer. A study in 2020 by researchers shows that vegetables such as tomatoes contain a powerful antioxidant called lycopene. Lycopene can effectively decrease the growth of prostate cancer.
  2. Add fruits to your diet – eating fruit regularly can lower your risk of prostate cancer, so it is important you add it to your diet. Researchers found out that people who consume many fruits such as watermelon, orange, lemons, tangerine, etc. usually have a high chance of preventing and lowering their prostate cancer than those who don’t.
  3. Drink green tea – Gotea Prostate Tea, Nozie Prostate Tea, GREATEA Prostate Control Herbal Tea, and Samira Prostate Balance Tea are the perfect tea to support male health. It provides quick and effective relief to the uneasy flow of urine. These green teas help relieve burning, dribbling, urgency, and poor flow of urine. It also prevents urinary tract infections and treats prostate cancer.
  4. Take coffee – Clinical studies suggest men with prostate cancer should take 4 to 5 cups of coffee daily. Coffee helps lower prostate cancer risk, but keep in mind that a high dosage of caffeine can cause trouble in sleeping, side effects, and rapid heart rate. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) recommends 400 milligrams of caffeine shouldn’t be exceeded in a day.
  5. Limit fat consumption – Saturated fats (i.e cakes, pastries, candies, repacked foods) and animal fats can increase the risk of cancer. It is best advised to limit or replace animal and saturated fats with plant-based fats i.e avocado, coconut, chia seeds, olive oil, flax seeds, and nuts.

Bottom line

As men age, prostate health becomes a top concern. Regardless, you can still prevent or lower the risk of prostate cancer.

You can do this by following these tips; reduce your consumption of fat, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, drink green tea regularly, and take coffee daily.

If you develop prostate cancer symptoms such as urinary tract, pain in the pelvis, poor urine flow, pain in the back or hips, and urgency to urinate, do not hesitate to see a doctor for a screening test.

Remember, early detection saves your life!


Written by Mary E. Linus

6 Incredible Fruit Teas You Need to Take Daily

Fruit teas and herbal teas are the best teas to take to keep your body healthy. Fruit tea is different from other kinds of beverage teas, it is naturally made from dried fruits, spices, flowers, and herbs.

There are so many health benefits that you can derive from drinking fruit teas. At the end of reading this article, you’ll be able to choose your preferred fruit tea and start enjoying its rich health benefits of it.

Benefits of fruit teas

Mango Fruit Tea

Mango fruit tea is beneficial to your health in five ways. These include:

  • Good for treating acne and other skin-related problems
  • It supports heart health
  • Contains nutrients that boost the immune system
  • It helps stabilize your digestive system
  • Lowers blood pressure

You can get Ahmad Tea Mango Magic and give it a try.

Pomegranate Fruit Tea

Whenever you think of teas that can help moisturize dry and dull skin, think of pomegranate tea.

  • It is rich in antioxidants
  • Prevents prostate, breast, lung, and colon cancers.
  • It prevents free radicals from damaging your cells.

Pomegranate tea is everywhere near you, you can get it online Samira Green Tea Pomegranate, Steep by BIGELOW Organic Green Tea & Pomegranate, or visit any store near you.

Strawberry Fruit Tea

Strawberry is known for its exotic taste. There are eight health benefits linked with taking strawberry teas daily. These include:

  • High in Vitamin C
  • It contributes positively to men’s sex life
  • Supports heart health
  • Regulate blood sugar
  • Aid skin glowing
  • Maintain body balance
  • Aid in weight management
  • Give your immunity a boost

Have you been missing out on enjoying the incredible health benefits of strawberry tea? Click this link Alokozay Strawberry Tea, Twinings Superblend Glow, Ahmad Tea Strawberry Sensation Flavoured Black Tea to get some strawberry teas today.

Cranberry Fruit Tea

Cranberry tea solves so many health problems such as;

  • It lowers the risk of urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • Prevention of certain types of cancer i.e prostate cancer
  • Improves immune function
  • Decreases blood pressure

Orange Fruit Tea

Orange fruit tea such as Alokozay Orange Tea, Cossy Green Tea with Orange helps protect your cell from damage. Other health benefits of orange tea include;

  • Promotes healthy immune function
  • Reduces the risk of cancer
  • Keep your eyes healthy and your vision sharp
  • It cleanses the pores in the skin and fights wrinkles
  • Makes it easier to absorb iron and fight anemia
  • Prevents heart diseases

Lemon Fruit Tea

Lemons are high in Vitamin C and other various beneficial compounds. All these nutrients combined together make lemon fruit tea a tea with so many health benefits.

  • It reduces cancer risk
  • Support heart health
  • Aid weight loss
  • Improve digestive health
  • Fight against anemia
  • Prevent kidney stone disease
  • Lowers stroke risk
  • Regulates blood pressure

Opt in today for a lemon fruit tea blend that is naturally made i.e. Alokozay Lemon Tea, Cossy Green Tea with Lemon.

Bottom Line

The health benefits of fruit teas are numerous, you should try and include them in your diet. Don’t go a day without taking fruit teas. Good health to your hands!

Natural Tea herb diabetes remedy risk factor

20 Major Risk Factors of Diabetes and Natural Treatments

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar. This occurs when the body does not make or use insulin correctly, and as a result, it can have severe effects or damage to the kidney, nerves, eyes, and other body organs.

In this article, we will discuss 20 major risk factors of diabetes and its natural treatment.

Types of Diabetes

There are 3 different types of diabetes, they include:

  1. Type 1 Diabetes: This is when the immune system attacks and eliminates cells in the pancreas because the body makes no insulin or does not have enough insulin in the hormones. According to American Diabetes Association, 5% of people with diabetes encounter this condition.
  2.  Type 2 Diabetes: occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin, and there is much sugar in the blood. Once blood sugar is permanently high, that results in type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is very common, about 90-95% of people living with diabetes have type 2 diabetes.
  3.  Gestational Diabetes is when the placenta produces insulin-blocking hormones which lead to high blood sugar. This type of diabetes mainly occurs in pregnant women.

20 Risk Factors of Diabetes

There are 20 risk factors for each type of diabetes;

  1. Age: According to the National Library of Medicine, type 1 diabetes is one of the most chronic sicknesses that develop in younger adults and children and it can also occur at any age.
  2. Family:  type 1 diabetes can become a risk factor if a person has a sibling or parent that has the same sickness.
  3. Genetics: A person who carries some specific genes that are traced to the sickness can increase the risk of type 1 diabetes.
  4.  high levels of fat in the body
  5. high blood pressure for people with type 2 diabetes
  6. heart disease and stroke(type 2 diabetes)
  7. Inactive physical exercise
  8. overweight
  9. unhealthy diet.
  10. depression
  11. people that are 45 years above
  12. history of gestational diabetes in the family
  13. race and ethnicity i.e Black, Asian, Native American, and Hispanic are more likely to have type 2 diabetes than white people.
  14. developing polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  15. acanthosis nigricans (a condition where the skin is darkened mostly in the armpit).
  16. prediabetes
  17. having a baby weighing more than 9 pounds(gestational diabetes)
  18. obesity
  19. having a family history of type 2 diabetes
  20. polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Symptoms of Diabetes

The main symptoms of diabetes are caused by high blood sugar levels. Other general symptoms include:

  • blurry vision
  • weight loss
  • fatigue
  • increased in hunger
  • frequent urination
  • increased thirst

For gestational diabetes, there are usually no symptoms. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes are often detected when healthcare professionals run a blood sugar test or oral glucose tolerance test during the 24th and 28th weeks of their pregnancy.

Symptoms in women

Symptoms of diabetes in women include the following:

  • dry, itchy skin
  • vaginal dryness
  • yeast infection
  • urinary tract infection

Symptoms in men

Men with diabetes have the following symptoms:

  • low sex drive
  • erectile dysfunction

Causes of Diabetes

There are different causes for each type of diabetes;

Type 1 Diabetes

Researchers and doctors are uncertain about the actual cause of type 1 diabetes. But the body’s immune system has a vital role to play. Instead of fighting bacteria and viruses, it destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Other causes include; genetics and exposure to environmental factors and viruses.

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is caused by two factors;

  • when the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to manage blood sugar level
  • Being overweight i.e being overweight makes the cell resistant to insulin
Gestational Diabetes

Doctors are uncertain of the reason some women get gestational diabetes and others don’t. But during pregnancy, the hormones change, making it harder for blood sugar to be processed efficiently in the body.

Diabetes Prevention/Treatment

Diabetes treatment depends on the type of diabetes a person has. Below are various treatments for each type of diabetes:

Type 1 Diabetes

The main treatment for type 1 diabetes is insulin. It replaces the hormones your body can’t produce on its own. Other natural ways to treat type 1 diabetes are:

All the above steps help keep your blood sugar normal to avoid any complications, especially drinking natural herbal tea.

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes can be managed or treated through the following steps:

It’s easy to keep your blood sugar levels normal with these steps especially the 5th point that talks about taking natural herbal teas. These cited teas have proven to treat so many people both young and old diagnosed with diabetes. You should give it a try if you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes treatment includes:

  • monitoring blood sugar level
  • lifestyle changes
  • limit sugary meals and drinks

To keep you and your baby healthy as a pregnant woman, you need to follow these natural treatment processes.


Diabetes is one of the most widespread health problems across the world.

Delays in treatment can cause complications like kidney failure, stroke, blindness, and heart disease, and can even reduce one’s life span.

Sometimes diabetes symptoms come later than in the early stage, but once it is noticed do not hesitate to do all you can to treat it to avoid complications. Visit a professional healthcare center for better advice and have your blood sugar tested.

Most importantly, remember to always have your blood sugar monitored.

Written by Mary E. Linus

ginseng tea

10 Top Secrets of Ginseng Root

Ginseng root has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. It has proven to have so many health benefits. The originating area of ginseng is Shanghai, China.

According to archeological studies, it existed during the Han dynasty era in the first century B.C.

10 top secrets of Ginseng

Here are the 10 top secrets of ginseng root that you will find surprising.

  1. It reduces the risk of cancer
  2. Regulates blood fat and brings down blood sugar level
  3. It has antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation
  4. For brain nourishing
  5. It serves as an anti-fatigue
  6. Effective for treating anti-malaria and anti-typhoid
  7. Used as a stimulant to treat poor eyesight
  8. Improves premature ejaculation and infertility
  9. Dispelling anti-wrinkle, activating skin cells, and making skin tender and firm.
  10. It promotes sexual function and improves immunity.

There are many other health benefits associated with taking ginseng tea, it is worth giving a try. Get any of these ginseng teas GREATEA Ginseng Root TeaTWININGS SYNERGY Ginseng Double Roots TeaIMPRA Green Tea Ginseng FlavouredHemani Ginseng Herbal Tea and give it a try today.

Take Home

Ginseng root is a Chinese medicine that has been in existence for centuries. It helps regulate blood sugar levels and controls cancer. It also enhances the immune system, fights fatigue, and nourishes the brain. Don’t afford to miss the health benefits of this tea, start taking it today!



Written by Mary E. Linus


6 Effective Tips To Prevent High Cholesterol

What is Cholesterol?


Preventing high cholesterol is just as important as keeping your heart healthy. You are reading this article because you care about your heart and you want to keep it healthy. One way to keep keep your heart healthy is to know the importance of having a balanced cholesterol level.

What is cholesterol?

According to America Heart Association, cholesterol is a fatty, waxy substance in your blood. Having cholesterol in your body isn’t bad, it can only be bad if it becomes excess in the body. This can cause health problems. Our body needs cholesterol in order to make hormones and healthy cells.

The food we eat has a higher contribution to cholesterol in our bodies, especially the food that comes from animals, such as meat, poultry, and dairy products which contain dietary cholesterol. These foods have high fats and it causes the liver to produce more cholesterol than it should. Bad cholesterol can also result from the consumption of some tropical oils such as coconut oil, palm oil, and palm kernel oil. These oils contain saturated fat that increases bad cholesterol in the heart.

Two kinds of cholesterol in our body

There are two kinds of cholesterol in our body, Low-density lipoprotein(LDL) and High-density lipoprotein (HDL).

  • Low-density lipoprotein(LDL) is a bad kind of cholesterol that clogs the arteries. Unhealthy cholesterol contributes to a high risk of cardiovascular disease. It is best you check your cholesterol level to know if is below 100 Mg/dL which is the normal level for a person.
  • High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is a good kind of cholesterol, it helps to eliminate LDL cholesterol in your arteries. The normal level for HDL is 60 Mg/dl.

Excess cholesterol in the blood vessels can affect the heart and brain. If a blood clot is formed and restricts blood flow, it can result in a stroke or heart attack.

6 effective tips to prevent high cholesterol

In order to prevent high cholesterol and keep it normal, there are 6 effective tips you should adhere to:

1. Check your cholesterol level

If you don’t want your heart to be at risk, you need to check your cholesterol level regularly.

2. Create a new diet

What we eat into our body is very important, we need to be guarded. Avoid or limit saturated and trans fat foods because they increase LDL cholesterol. Examples of saturated foods are;

  • baked goods i.e cookies, cakes, biscuits, etc.
  • red meat
  • junk food
  • excess butter consumption
  • egg yolks

Instead, create a new diet that is not saturated and trans fat such as;

  • soybeans
  • wheat
  • nuts i.e walnut, cashew nut
  • Avacado
  • Fatty fish
  • brown rice
  • seed
  • fruit
  • vegetables

3. Avoid or Quit smoking

Smoking is very bad, it has no positive benefits for health. Rather, it increases the risk of cancer and lung disease. Smoking damages the blood vessels and buildup plaques inside the arteries. Quitting smoking might be difficult, but don’t give up on trying to break free from it. Seek help from trusted people or groups you think can help you break free. Your health is important here, change is constant and you can take that step to change your lifestyle.

4. Be in control of your cholesterol level

When it comes to cholesterol, you need to learn how to control it so it won’t be so high or so low. High cholesterol levels can increase your risk of heart disease. It can also develop fatty deposits in blood vessels, and when these deposits grow, it makes it difficult for enough blood to flow through your arteries. Work on keeping a balanced cholesterol level. How can you do that?

There are some green teas that naturally help destroy bad cholesterol, balance cholesterol levels, cleanse the arteries, boost good cholesterol and eliminate free radicals. They include; GOTEA Cholesterol Reducing TeaGreatea Cholesterol Herbal TeaGreatea Hypertensive & Cholesterol Regulating TeaSmiley Cholesterol Care Tea, and JIANXI Cholesterol Tea. Some persons who have used these teas have so many positive reviews on how these tea has enabled them to have balanced cholesterol. Here is one of the reviews I had during my interview with a lady who had high cholesterol.

Priscilla said “I almost had a stroke because of bad cholesterol, but after GOTEA Cholesterol Reducing Tea was recommended to me, i gained my health back. This tea helped cleanse my arteries, boost my cholesterol to be good, balanced my cholesterol levels and eliminate free radicals from my system. Today, I feel so relieved knowing that my cholesterol level is now balanced and my heart is in good shape.

My advice to everyone out there is to always check their choleseterol level and take GOTEA Cholesterol Reducing Tea if you notice you have high cholesterol.”

The point here is, always try to be in control of your cholesterol level, don’t let it control you.

5. Engage in exercise

Exercise helps boost HDL cholesterol and also is beneficial for health. Try to do some aerobic exercises for 15-30 minutes two or three times a week. If you feel you can’t carry heavy weights or do some strenuous exercises, you can walk 10-15 minutes every day. Research shows that walking prevents and manages various health conditions including heart disease, stroke, cancer, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. It also improves cardiovascular fitness and prevents high cholesterol.

6. Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight can increase the risk of coronary heart disease. Eating well and keeping fit often will help improve your cholesterol level and prevent high or bad cholesterol.

Bottom line

To prevent high cholesterol and maintain good cholesterol, you need to apply these six simple lifestyle tips. This includes checking your cholesterol level, creating a new diet for yourself, avoiding or quitting smoking, engaging in exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight.

Cholesterol levels play a major role in heart disease risks. Don’t wait until then before you apply the health tips discussed in this article. Good luck to a healthy heart!



Written by Mary E. Linus

3 Easy Steps to Control Infertility

3 Easy Steps to Control Infertility

About Infertility

According to WHO, https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/infertility Infertility is a disease of the male or female reproductive system defined as the failure to achieve a pregnancy after 1 year or more of unprotected sexual intercourse.

An estimation suggests that between 48 million couples and 186 million individuals live with infertility globally. Infertility isn’t just a woman’s problem, it is a problem for both men and women. For women who are over 35, there is a 90% chance of not being able to get pregnant after 6 months of trying and that’s because of their age.

In this article, we will discuss 3 easy steps to control infertility. But first, let’s look at types of infertility.

Types of infertility

There are two types of infertility, they include:

1. Primary infertility

Primary infertility is when a woman has never been able to get pregnant.

2. Secondary infertility

Secondary infertility is when a woman has had at least one or two successful pregnancies in the past.

Studies have shown that about one-third of infertility cases can be associated with women, while another third can be related to men. Also, when male and female infertility is combined, it is said to be the third infertility case. Sometimes the causes of infertility cannot be known, but the chances are slim.

Causes of infertility

There are various factors that contribute to the infertility of men and women.

 Male infertility causes

They include the following:

1. Medications and drugs

Examples of medications and drugs that can affect male fertility are:

  • tricyclic antidepressants
  • chemotherapy which is used for cancer
  • marijuana and cocaine
  • sulfasalazine is often used for RA(rheumatoid arthritis) and UC(ulcerative colitis).
  • calcium channel blockers used for blood pressure
  • anabolic steroid

2. Medical conditions

  • having antibodies that attack the sperm and destroy them
  • retrograde ejaculation
  • hormonal imbalance
  • undescended testicles
  • varicocele

3. smoking cigarettes

4. exposure to toxins, such as herbicides, pesticides, and heavy metals

5. excess alcohol consumption

6. Old age

Any of these risk factors can lead to infertility in men.

Female infertility causes

Studies conclude that ovulation issue causes one-quarter of female infertility. But they are other risk factors that affect female infertility, they include the following:

1. Medications and drugs

  • long-term high usage of NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
  • antipsychotic medications
  • chemotherapy
  • drugs such as marijuana and cocaine

2. Medical conditions

  • hormonal imbalance
  • uterine fibroids
  • pelvic in inflammatory disease
  • scarring from previous surgery
  • endometriosis
  • premature ovarian failure

3. Sexually transmitted disease

4. Old age

5. Smoking cigarettes

6. Heavy alcohol drinking

7. overweight or underweight

If you and your partner have been seeking fertility treatment for a long time now, this article has some recommendations for you.

Steps to control infertility


1. Know the symptoms

Knowing the symptoms of infertility in both males and females is important. The symptoms of infertility in both genders vary.

For females, the symptoms are:

  1. Painful or heavy periods – most women experience stomach cramps during their period, it is considered normal. But if the pains become so unbearable it’s a sign of endometriosis which is one of the causes of infertility.
  2. Pain during sex – experiencing pain during sex isn’t normal, it could be related to hormones and other underlying medical conditions that can cause infertility.
  3. Irregular or no periods – stress and heavy workout can result in irregular periods. But if you hardly see your periods in months, then it is needed you visit a doctor and have your fertility examined.
  4. Hormone fluctuations – hormone fluctuations such as weight gain, facial hair growth, skin issues, low sex drive, and tiny hair can contribute to infertility issues.

For males, the symptoms are:

  1. Erection Problems – a man’s erection is often linked to his hormone levels, when an erection can not be controlled, it results in reduced hormones. Reduced hormones can affect fertility in men.
  2. Changes in sex drive – changes in virility are changes in hormones which can be an issue to fertility.
  3. Ejaculation issues – the inability of a man to ejaculate are signs of infertility. Visit a doctor or health professionals for medical advice if experiencing ejaculation issues.
  4. Testicle pains and swelling – testicle pains and swellings could be a result of various health diseases, such health conditions can affect male fertility if not treated.

If you’re concerned with any of these symptoms, consult your doctor for solutions. Your doctor will carry out various testings include infertility testing to know your overall health conditions.

2. Know the causes

Knowing the factors that cause infertility is very important. It serves as the key solution to tackling the problem of infertility.

3. Accept treatments

Infertility treatment varies depending on the factors related to individual infertility.

Factors that determine infertility treatments
  • you and your partner’s ages
  • period of time you’ve been trying to conceive
  • health check of you and your partner
  • the cause of infertility
Types of treatments
  1. Surgery
  2. Medications
  3. Assisted reproductive technology(ART)
  4. Herbal tea
Treatment for female
  • Surgery – treatment for women’s infertility includes surgery. Surgery helps improve fertility by removing fibroids, unblocking fallopian tubes, and correcting abnormal-shaped uterus.
  • Assisted reproductive technology – involves methods such as intrauterine insemination (IUI). Millions of sperms are injected into a woman’s uterus near the time of ovulation during IUI.
  • Medications – infertility medications help encourage or regulate ovulation in the body just like hormones.
  • Herbal tea – surgery has become rare now because of advanced infertility treatments like herbal teas. There are a variety of herbal teas that help treat female infertility, they include GREATEA Infertility Control Herbal TeaSmiley Fertility Booster Tea, and TWININGS SYNERGY Fertility Support Tea For Women.
Treatment for male


A number of couples who experience infertility have been able to conceive after some time. What does this mean? Being diagnosed with infertility doesn’t mean you won’t be able to bear a child, you will, but it will take some time. We are in an advanced world, and the chances of bearing your own child are very big. For some, they might need medical assistance, herbal treatment and etc. while to some it will happen naturally without any treatment. The choice is to be made by both you and your partner.

Treatments for infertility vary depending on the factors related to it. In some cases, fertility issues may not be treated even after applying all recommended treatments. In such circumstances, your doctor may suggest surrogacy, sperm donor and etc. to you and your partner.

The bottom line is this, do not hesitate to seek medical help when faced with infertility problems. Control infertility today with these 3 easy steps listed above.


Written by Mary E. Linus

damaged liver

7 Tips To Keep Your Liver Healthy

So many people today are suffering from liver problems like NAFLD (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease), alcoholic liver disease, cirrhosis, liver failure, liver cancer, and hepatitis.  The death rate for liver disease worldwide is around 2 million.

Do you want to know how to keep your liver healthy? In this article, you’ll learn 7 tips to keep your liver healthy.

First, let’s discuss the factors that cause liver damage.

Factors that cause liver disease

  •  smoking
  • excess alcohol consumption
  • obesity
  • high cholesterol and blood sugar levels
  • viruses
  • high blood pressure

In recent and past years, liver disease has been treated through a liver transplant, lifestyle change, nutritional therapy, surgical resection, immunotherapy, herbal medicinal teas, and supplement. Studies show that 70-80 % of Nigerians take herbs to prevent and treat several liver problems. Here are necessary precautions to take to avoid liver diseases.

Precautions to take 

Although not all liver diseases can be prevented, but there are major lifestyle choices that need to be taken to prevent some liver diseases. They include:

  • Avoiding smoking and usage of drugs
  • be cautious with toxic chemicals
  • limit alcohol intake
  • engage in physical fitness
  • watch your weight
  • eat hearty meals
  • use contraception during sex
  • visit your doctor for an annual blood examination.
  • drinking more water

Now that you have the knowledge on how to prevent or reduce liver damage, below are tips for you to keep your liver healthy.

7 tips to keep your liver healthy

Keeping the liver healthy is very important if you want to live longer. Here are 7 tips that can contribute to a healthy liver:

  1. Ginger – Ginger is famously known as a medicinal treatment for health conditions, especially the heart. While many choose to add it to their meals, other chose to eat it raw and yet others choose to consume it as tea. Ginger teas like Cossy Green Tea with Lemon & GingerSamira Lemon & Ginger Green Tea, and Napa Ginger and Lemon Drink are teas that some persons find medicinal to the liver. Whichever way you choose to take ginger, have in mind that it helps keep your liver healthy.
  2. Astragalus – is an edible herb that is commonly used by the Chinese people. It has medicinal compounds like isoflavonoids, saponins, and polysaccharides. Astragalus serves as protection against fibrosis and high fat diet-induced fatty liver.
  3. Turmeric – Turmeric has so many health benefits just like ginger. Studies show that turmeric has powerful anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties which are effective for liver disease. Gotea Liver Detox Organic Tea and GOTEA Turmeric Ginger Herbal Tea are strong teas that keep the liver healthy. You should give it a try!
  4. Licorice – Licorice is an herb with powerful medicinal properties that protect the liver from diseases. A person suffering from some liver conditions can find relief in eating licorice. Licorice is best used when there is alcohol-related liver damage.
  5. Garlic – Garlic is packed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant plant compounds such as alliin, allicin, and ajoene which help support liver health.
  6. Ginseng – Ginseng is a famous herbal tea that has so many health benefits. Studies conclude that it has antioxidant effects that can help protect against liver injuries such as alcohol damage, virus, and toxins. Ginseng herbs such as GREATEA Ginseng Root TeaTWININGS SYNERGY Ginseng Double Roots TeaLooys Ginseng Green Tea, and Instant Ginseng Herbal Tea are teas that improve liver function. It also reduces fatigue and inflammation in people with liver disease. Drinking a cup of ginseng tea daily helps keep the liver healthy.
  7. Green Tea – Green tea helps reduce fatty liver. Drinking green tea like ZIZA Kuding Green TeaTetley Pure Green TeaAlokozay Green Tea , and God’s Garden Pure Chinese Green Tea fights off various liver diseases including hepatitis, liver cancer, cirrhosis, chronic liver disease, and fatty liver.

If you want to keep your liver healthy, then make it your aim to try out any of these 7 amazing tips listed above.


A damaged liver is a damaged body, without the liver functioning properly a person’s lifespan can be cut short. It is highly encouraged you do your utmost to avoid anything that can cause harm to your liver. These include avoiding smoking, reducing alcohol intake, stopping usage of drugs, drink enough water, annual checkups with your doctor, being overweight and etc. Endeavor to try out one of the seven tips to keep your liver healthy. Anyone who intends to use these herbal treatments should confirm with his medical advisor that their liver condition is not complicated before going ahead with the treatment.


Written by Mary E. Linus

10 important health benefits of ginger, garlic, and turmeric

10 Important Health Benefits of Garlic, Ginger and Turmeric

Did you know there are numerous health benefits of consuming ginger, garlic, and turmeric? In this article, you will learn 10 important health benefits of consuming ginger, garlic, and turmeric. You will also learn various ways of using these vegetables.

10 important health benefits of consuming ginger, garlic, and turmeric

Scientific research has shown that garlic, ginger, and turmeric have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help fight diseases. Combining these vegetables either in your meal or drink help promotes good health. Here are the 10 important health benefits of consuming ginger, garlic, and turmeric;

1. Reduces heart disease risk factors

Garlic, ginger, and turmeric have strong heart-protective properties that can help decrease some risk factors for heart disease. These include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar levels.

Studies have shown that garlic helps reduce blood pressure, blood sugar, and bad cholesterol. It also helps prevent atherosclerosis.

Ginger and turmeric are linked to a healthy heart. According to a 2017 study, the daily consumption of ginger contributes to a decrease in high blood pressure by 8%. Ginger specifically help improves blood sugar and cholesterol levels which help decreases the risk of diabetes.  Moderate consumption of turmeric improves a healthy heart and prevents Alzheimer’s and cancer.

In other words, regular consumption of garlic, ginger, and turmeric helps protect against heart diseases.

2. Serves as an anticancer treatment

A meal rich in garlic, ginger, and turmeric helps protect against certain types of cancer because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Some studies have shown that people who consume more garlic in their meals are less likely to develop colorectal cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and gastric cancer.

Although ginger, garlic, and turmeric cannot replace the actual treatment of cancer. But it has anticancer effects against several types of cancer cells like;

  • prostate cancer cells
  • pancreatic cancer cells
  • breast cancer cells

For persons diagnosed with cancer, do not use ginger, garlic, and turmeric supplements for treatment, except if you have approval from your healthcare professional.

3. It protects against cellular damage

ROS (reactive oxygen species) can overwhelm the body’s defense, this can lead to oxidative being stress. As a result, there will be cellular damage. Oxidative stress and malondialdehyde can be reduced by consuming ginger, garlic, and turmeric.
Another study shows that older people who take these vegetables daily, especially garlic, had decreased levels of malondialdehyde. It also helps boost the levels of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase.

4. Helpful for diabetes

Ginger, garlic, and turmeric help reduce blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes. A study in 2020 shows that 103 people with type-2 diabetes had a greater blood sugar and cholesterol reduction after taking ginger, garlic, and turmeric. This led to a great improvement in a healthy heart.

5. Provides anti-inflammatory treatment

Chronic inflammation can lead to heart disease and some cancers. Garlic, ginger, and turmeric contain powerful anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent pro-inflammatory proteins associated with chronic inflammation.

6. Improves cognitive health

Research has linked the combination of ginger, garlic, and turmeric to cognitive health benefits. Taking 400 or 800 mg ginger extract daily for 2 months helps improve mental performance and memory. It helps protect the brain and improve cognition.

7. Help boost mood

Consumption of turmeric helps calm the nerves and is suitable for relaxation. When combined with ginger and garlic, it helps boost your mood. Many people, prefer to have a cup of tea mixed with these ingredients. Teas like GOTEA Turmeric Ginger Herbal TeaNozie Turmeric & Ginger Tea with Black Pepper, GOTEA Organic Garlic Ginger Tea, Cossy Green Tea with Garlic, are what most people take to help boost their mood.

8. Promotes a healthy heart and weight loss

Turmeric, ginger, and garlic help the heart function properly. It lowers blood pressure and levels of fat in the blood to avoid the high risk of heart disease. Ginger has a positive effect on obesity and weight loss. If you are looking for a natural vegetable to help burn fat and reduce your weight, then ginger should be added to your list.

9. Beneficial for the healthy immune system

Adding turmeric, ginger, and garlic to your diet or taking it as a tea help keep your immune system healthy. It contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. It also helps enhance immune cell activity and prevents inflammatory proteins.

10. It relieves pain and decreases nausea

Ginger, turmeric, and garlic provide relief to chronic pain caused by arthritis. Studies have shown that ginger is a natural remedy that helps soothe the stomach and decreases nausea. It also protects against digestive issues caused by chemotherapy which could help reduce symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea.

Garlic, ginger, and turmeric have many other health benefits besides the ones I’ve listed. It is not necessary you take them, but to help improve your health do not neglect them.

How to use them

There are various ways to consume garlic, ginger, and turmeric, they include:

  • fresh
  • powdered
  • tea
  • juice
  1. Fresh – you can eat these vegetables fresh like fruits without adding them to your meal. It strengthens the immune system, aids digestion, reduces nausea, and fights flu.
  2. Powdered – garlic, turmeric, and ginger can be blended. It can be added to your meals like stew, soup, rice, and sauces to give you a lovely aroma and nutrients. Research shows that blended turmeric, ginger, and garlic are effective to reduce the risk factor of heart disease.
  3. Tea – based on the health benefits of these vegetables, they have been added to teas for a nourishing taste. It helps fight inflammation, pain and protects against infections. It also boosts male fertility and protects against some cancers. You can try teas like IMPRA Green Tea Ginger FlavoredNozie Turmeric & Ginger Tea with Black PepperLBE Lifegate Garlic Green TeaKNIGHTSBRIDGE Lemon & Ginger TeaLooys Lemon & Ginger Green TeaSamira Garlic Green TeaAlokozay Ginger & Lemon TeaGold Kili Ginger Drink. When taking any of this tea, it is important you keep your added sugar low by using honey instead. Honey has more health benefits than sugar, so it is best recommended for use.
  4. Juice – So many people have made juice with ginger, turmeric, and garlic. This helps prevent cancer and relief chronic pain.

Garlic, ginger, and turmeric all combined together provide numerous health benefits. It contains bioactive compounds that are very effective for the brain and body. It helps boosts the immune system, increase weight loss, and provides anti-inflammatory treatment. Other benefits of taking ginger, garlic, and turmeric include;

  • reducing risk factors for heart disease
  • helpful for diabetes
  • serves as an anti-cancer treatment.
  • fights infection

There are no side effects in taking these vegetables, instead, it helps improve your health. Give it a try today!



Written by Mary E. Linus