Healthy skin is an asset. Due to how important it is, there are a lot of misconceptions associated with it. 

To properly care for the skin, it is necessary to have a good understanding of it.

This article discusses the skin, its parts, and 3 proper ways to maintain healthy skin.

The Skin:

According to an article by cleavlandclinic the skin is the body’s largest organ, made of water, protein, fats, and minerals. Your skin protects your body from germs and regulates body temperature. Nerves in the skin help you feel sensations like hot and cold.  Your skin, along with your hair, nails, oil glands, and sweat glands, is part of the integumentary (in-TEG-you-MENT-a-ree) system. “Integumentary” means a body’s outer covering.

Parts of the Skin:

  1. Epidermis Layer: The epidermis is the top layer of the skin. It provides a waterproof barrier that protects the skin and it’s also the layer responsible for setting the tone of the skin.
  2. Dermis: This is the second layer under the epidermis. It contains tissues and is responsible for housing the body’s blood vessels, hair follicles, and oil & sweat glands. It contains nerve endings that send signals to the brain. The dermis is responsible for the structure, shape & elasticity of the skin.
  3. Hypodermis: This layer of the skin is made up of subcutaneous (under the skin) fats, connective tissues, blood vessels, and nerve cells. It is the layer of the skin where fat is deposited and stored. The tissue here produces (Adipocytes), a cell that stores fat used for energy, cushioning, and insulation.

What exactly is healthy skin:

  Magazines and Beauty ads have set up unrealistic beauty standards. Standards that are not achievable. Healthy skin is skin that is properly taken care of.

Healthy skin is not flawless skin because realistically, the concept of having flawless skin is a myth. It is impossible for the skin to be flawless at all times. It’s important to understand that the primary function of the skin is protection, our skin does much more than just beautification, it is the largest organ in the entire body, and it is so important that we need to properly take care of it.

Hormonal changes and general body activities cause the skin to react with breakouts, redness, dryness, and other symptoms which are totally normal and common to every person.

Healthy skin is a mirror of a healthy body and mind.

The only way to achieve healthy skin is to be able to properly understand that the skin was not designed to be flawless and know that the skin is worth more than its beauty, then look for only the proper ways to maintain it.


  1. Love Your Skin: Your skin is worth more than its beauty. It is an essential part of your existence and it deserves to be loved and appreciated. The skin does so much for us and it’s unfair to treat it a certain way because of how we feel it should look. Flawless skin is a myth.

The truth is that the health of the skin is greatly determined by genes, Genetics plays a huge role in the general appearance of the skin, and this is the more reason why you need to accept and love your skin the way it is.  That will enable you to take out time to understand your skin and it’s that understanding that will aid you in making better decisions for your skin.

  1. Skin Care Routine: Having a skincare routine is one of the best ways to take care of your skin. A skincare routine is a lineup of activities that provides the skin with the proper support and protection it needs. A skincare routine is not one-size-fits-all, as humans are different so is the skin, different skin has different issues and a skincare routine is customized according to the skin type and issues of concern.

             It is advisable to visit a good dermatologist that will carry out the right examination on your skin and help you build a skincare routine that works.

            The constant buying and usage of different products are unhealthy for the skin, good skin care is not in the number of products but it is in using the right product that addresses your skin issues.

The good housekeeping in this article highlighted three main skincare routine steps as approved by dermatologists.

  1. A Healthy Diet: What goes into our body has an important role to play in our overall body health. A healthy diet consists of a variety of food, fruits, and vegetables which are rich in essential nutrients that can help and support the skin. Some vitamins that help the skin are:
  • Polyphenols: It protects the skin against ultraviolet radiation & aid cell growth. It can be gotten from Tea, Coffee, Grapes, Chocolate, and Vegetables.
  • Vitamin E: It helps to prevent cell damage. Vitamin E can be gotten from Almond fruit, Sunflower seeds, and peanuts.
  • Vitamin C: Helps to fight wrinkles and provides anti-oxidants. Vitamin C can be obtained from Citrus Fruit, Bell Peppers, Kiwi, and Strawberries.
  • Lycopene: Helps to smoothen out the skin. Good sources of Lycopene are Tomatoes, melons, and watermelons.
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Improves Cholesterol and battles inflammation. Good sources are  Mackerel, Cod Liver Oil, Salmon, Sardines, Flax Seeds, and Chai Seeds.


Genetics plays a huge role in the general appearance and health of the skin.  It’s best to love your skin for what it is and only look for the best ways to take care of it. A healthy diet,  A good skincare routine, Proper sleep, and quality rest will improve the quality of your skin.

Remember that flawless skin is a myth and it is unachievable. Accept your skin for everything that it is and do away with beauty standards.




Written by Sharon Kanu.



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