Focus on Eye Care​

Focus on Eye Care

Dear Tea Lovers,

At, we believe in the power of holistic wellness, and this month, we’re focusing on something incredibly vital—eye care. Our eyes are our windows to the world, and yet, they are often overlooked in our daily wellness routines. Let’s dive into understanding how we can better care for our eyes and how some specially curated teas can support your eye health.

Common Habits That Harm Your Eyes

1. Prolonged Screen Time: Whether it’s working on a computer, scrolling through your phone, or binge-watching your favorite shows, excessive screen time can lead to digital eye strain, characterized by dry eyes, headaches, and blurred vision.

2. Not Wearing Sunglasses:* Exposure to UV rays can damage the eyes, leading to conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration. Make it a habit to wear UV-protective sunglasses whenever you’re outside.

3. Poor Diet: A diet lacking in essential nutrients can affect your eye health. For instance, deficiencies in vitamins A, C, and E, along with omega-3 fatty acids, can lead to various eye conditions.

4. Rubbing Your Eyes: This common habit can cause microabrasions on the cornea and increase the risk of infection. It’s best to avoid touching your eyes unless your hands are clean.

5. Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and optic nerve damage.

Tips for Taking Care of Your Eyes

1. 20-20-20 Rule: To reduce eye strain, follow the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away.

2. Healthy Diet: Incorporate foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants, such as leafy greens, carrots, fish, and nuts. These nutrients are crucial for maintaining good eye health.

3. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps maintain the moisture balance in your eyes, preventing dryness and irritation.

4. Regular Eye Exams: Even if you don’t wear glasses or contacts, regular eye exams can help detect problems early and ensure your eyes are healthy.

5. Proper Lighting: Ensure your workspace is well-lit to avoid straining your eyes. Natural light is best, but if that’s not possible, consider using a desk lamp.

Teas to Support Eye Health

At, we’re excited to introduce our specially formulated teas designed to support your eye health. Here are a few of our top picks:

  • British Eye Bright Tea: This blend is crafted with herbs known for their eye-supporting properties. It’s a delightful way to help maintain healthy vision and reduce eye strain.
  • Eye Bright From Fitness: Infused with a mix of traditional herbs and modern superfoods, this tea aims to support overall eye health and reduce fatigue caused by prolonged screen time.
  • Samira Eyebright Tea: Named after a famous herbalist, this tea combines eyebright with other beneficial herbs to create a soothing drink that supports eye wellness and clarity.
  • Winstown Eye Bright Tea: A premium blend that includes eyebright, bilberry, and other eye-friendly ingredients. This tea is designed to help protect your eyes from oxidative stress and support overall eye health.

Remember, taking care of your eyes is not just about what you avoid but also about what you include in your daily routine. Adding this specially crafted teas to your regimen can be a delightful and beneficial way to support your overall eye health.

Stay healthy and keep sipping!

Warm regards,
The Team


The Sweet Truth About Dates: Origins, Benefits, and Culinary Uses

Introduction Dates, the sweet and chewy fruits, have been a staple in Middle Eastern diets for thousands of years. Revered for their rich flavor and numerous health benefits, dates are not just a delicious treat but also a nutritional powerhouse. In this blog post, we will explore the origins of dates, their health benefits, culinary uses, and how they can be paired with other foods to create delightful dishes. What Are Dates? Dates are the fruit of the date palm tree (Phoenix dactylifera), which is believed to have originated in the Middle East around the Persian Gulf region. These fruits are oval-cylindrical in shape, ranging from bright red to bright yellow in color, depending on the variety. Dates have a high sugar content, which gives them their characteristic sweetness, and a fibrous, chewy texture. Origins and History The date palm tree has been cultivated for over 5,000 years, making it one of the oldest cultivated crops in human history. Ancient civilizations, including the Mesopotamians and Egyptians, highly valued dates for their sustenance and sweetness. Dates are often mentioned in historical texts and religious scriptures, emphasizing their significance in human culture and diet. Health Benefits of Dates 1. Rich in Nutrients: Dates are packed with essential nutrients such as vitamins (B6, A, K), minerals (potassium, magnesium, copper), and fiber, making them a healthy addition to any diet. 2. High in Antioxidants: Dates contain various antioxidants like flavonoids, carotenoids, and phenolic acid, which help combat inflammation and oxidative stress. 3. Natural Energy Booster: Due to their high carbohydrate content, dates provide a quick and sustained energy boost, making them an excellent snack for athletes and those needing a quick energy pick-me-up. 4. Promote Digestive Health: The fiber in dates aids in digestion, preventing constipation and promoting regular bowel movements. 5. Support Heart Health: Potassium and magnesium in dates help regulate blood pressure and maintain heart health. 6. Aid in Bone Health: Dates contain minerals such as calcium and phosphorus that are vital for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Culinary Uses of Dates Dates are incredibly versatile and can be used in various culinary applications: 1. Snacking: Enjoy dates on their own as a quick and healthy snack. 2. Natural Sweetener: Use dates as a natural sweetener in smoothies, desserts, and baked goods. 3. Stuffed Dates: Fill dates with nuts, cheese, or nut butter for a delicious and nutritious treat. 4. Salads: Add chopped dates to salads for a touch of sweetness and a chewy texture. 5. Energy Bars: Incorporate dates into homemade energy bars and bites for a natural source of energy. 6. Savory Dishes: Dates can be used in savory dishes such as tagines, stews, and rice dishes to add depth and sweetness. 7. Date Syrup: Create a homemade date syrup to drizzle over pancakes, waffles, or yogurt. Foods to Pair with Dates Here are some unique ways to enjoy dates: 1. Groundnuts (Peanuts): Groundnuts, commonly enjoyed in Nigeria, pair excellently with dates. The nutty flavor and crunch of groundnuts complement the sweetness of dates, making a delightful and nutritious snack. 2. Kuli-Kuli: This traditional Nigerian snack made from groundnuts can be paired with dates for a sweet and savory treat. The crunchy texture of kuli-kuli contrasts nicely with the chewiness of dates. 3. Suya: Suya, a popular spicy meat skewer, pairs well with the sweetness of dates. The spicy, savory flavors of suya are balanced by the natural sweetness of dates, creating a unique and flavorful combination. 4. Garri (Eba): For a sweet twist, mix dates into your garri. This combination can be enjoyed as a snack or a quick meal, adding a new dimension to a traditional staple. 5. Dodo (Fried Plantains): Combine chopped dates with dodo for a delightful side dish. The caramelized sweetness of fried plantains pairs beautifully with the rich flavor of dates, making it a perfect complement to many meals. 6. Moi Moi: Add chopped dates to moi moi, a steamed bean pudding, for a touch of sweetness. The savory and smooth texture of moi moi harmonizes well with the chewy and sweet dates. 7. Pap (Akamu): Pap, a fermented cereal pudding made from maize, sorghum, or millet, can be sweetened naturally with dates. Blend dates into your pap for a nutritious and naturally sweet breakfast. 8. Egusi Soup: Add chopped dates to egusi soup for a surprising yet delightful twist. The sweetness of dates can complement the rich, nutty flavors of this beloved Nigerian soup. 9. Ofada Rice and Ayamase Sauce: Integrate dates into the ayamase (green pepper sauce) for a hint of sweetness that balances the spicy and savory notes of the dish. This can create a unique and enjoyable flavor profile. 10. Fruit Salad: Create a Nigerian-style fruit salad with local fruits like pawpaw (papaya), mango, pineapple, and bananas. Adding dates to this mix enhances the sweetness and provides a chewy texture that makes the salad more exciting. By incorporating dates into these traditional foods, you can enjoy the rich flavors of cuisine while benefiting from the nutritional goodness of dates. Experiment with these pairings and discover new, delicious ways to enjoy this ancient fruit. Conclusion Dates are a remarkable fruit with a rich history, exceptional nutritional profile, and versatile culinary uses. Whether enjoyed as a snack, a natural sweetener, or an ingredient in savory dishes, dates offer a delicious and healthy addition to any diet. Embrace the sweetness of dates and explore the myriad ways they can enhance your meals and contribute to your overall well-being. So next time you’re looking for a nutritious and delectable treat, reach for a handful of dates and savor the ancient sweetness that has nourished humanity for millennia.

Frustrated With Loosing Weight?

Okay, this is it. I am done. I am no longer going to stress myself trying to lose this weight. I am confident in my body, and I will focus on body positivity,” says Joyce, who has been trying to lose weight for almost a year without visible progress

Joyce is feeling frustrated because she is not seeing results. She has not lost any weight; rather, it feels like she is gaining more weight.

Have you always been conscious of your appearance, maybe because of societal standards? Or you just want to feel confident and healthy. Yet, every attempt to shed those stubborn pounds seemed futile, like chasing shadows in the darkness.

“Maybe you had begun your journey with determination, armed with diet plans and exercise routines found in glossy magazines promising quick fixes. But the pounds still cling to you like a persistent shadow, refusing to budge despite every efforts.

I understand this frustration; I myself am facing it, but in a reverse manner. I am so lanky, and for years, I have been trying to gain weight. But it seems the journey is futile; all I have ever done is get slimmer.

But let’s look at why this is the way it is

  1. What is your Reason for trying to Lose Weight? Is it because you really want to lose weight? Is it to feel healthy? Is it because someone called you fat? Is it due to societal standards? Or what else?

I will advise you to write down these reasons and classify them into 2 categories.

Category A = Doing it for myself

Category B = Doing it for others/Society

Have you ever done something of your own vs when you are doing it because you have no choice? Why was it a difficult task to do the dishes and sweep the house as kids, but as adults staying in your own house you do it effortlessly?

That is because the brain tends to understand situations like this sometimes as stress, so when it feels you are doing something because you must, your brain can feel you are getting stressed out and might try to hibernate, causing you to work in futility. So, if you want to lose weight because of someone or society, you might want to reconsider your reason, else you will be giving your brain too much work.

  1. What Method are you using? This is very important, because you have to do what works for you. And that means that while it is good to have a mentor and follow up with them, it is important to learn your body and what works for your body. This will help you to enjoy the process.
  2. What Metrics are you using to Measure your progress? Understanding that this is a journey and not a short 100m track race is very important. Do not expect to get there in 3 months, if you can fine, but if you do not, do not be hard on yourself.
  3. It is about your health and Life. This has a relationship with number 3, knowing that this is a journey that has to run with your lifetime will release every stress from your head and get you more disciplined. Fat is an essential nutrient for the body, it is the excess fat that poses a problem, so while you know you need to burn those excess fat, also know that the key to life is maintaining balance, so don’t let anybody pressure you.
  4. Consistency is Key: This sounds easy, but it is one of the hardest parts of embarking in any journey, I myself am very guilty of it, but if you can maintain consistency, you will be shocked at what result you can achieve. I always tell the story of the axe and the tree, it is not the first stroke of the axe that brings down the tree, and will you say it was the 100th stroke? Nah, it was those consistent hits on the tree that finally summed up to bringing it down. So, from now on, one of our first and major point we will consider will be consistency.

So, I hope with these few points of mine I have been able to convince and not confuse you that while it is good and healthy to lose those fats, it is not a do or die affair. I am not trying to get you all lazy, no, but I am trying to change your attitude towards it. Burn those fats because you want to, for your health, your discipline building, your sweet body that you desire. And not because of that man that said you are fat, or that your friend that always use it to insult you when you are bantering words, or because of Megan Good (lol no shades) Just do you.

Remember you can never go wrong with our slimming teas; they contain natural herbs and are very healthy when it comes to weight loss. These teas work wonders when incorporated into exercise and dieting. So, slide over to the shop section and browse though the different slim teas to shop for the one perfect for you.

See you on the next 1inch less.

The Most Effective 10-day Nigerian Weight Loss Meal Plan.

The Most effective 10-day Nigerian Weight Loss Meal Plan.

The Most Effective 10-day Nigerian Weight Loss Meal Plan.


Dieting is the most important part of weight loss. The quality and quantity of our food is essential to our weight loss journey. This article has the Most Effective 10-day Nigerian Weight Loss Meal Plan, designed to make your weight loss journey easy and fun.

Weight loss is the reduction in general body weight which includes; fat, water weight, and muscle mass. Weight loss can harm the body, so it is recommended to focus on fat loss, rather than weight loss.

Fat loss is the reduction of fat from the body. Fat Loss focuses on just “FAT”, this is why you should be on a Fat Loss Journey.

The difference between weight loss and Fat loss is why you have lost some Kgs but your tummy and arms are not as flat as they should be.  The quality of your diet is the major factor behind fat loss. Being on a calorie deficit and portion control is good, but if you are not eating the right meals, you may lose weight without losing some specific body fat.

How to Eat for Fat Loss: 

  1. Calorie Deficit: To lose fat effectively, you must eat fewer calories than your body burns. According to an article by On average, a woman should eat 2000 calories per day to maintain her weight, and she should limit her caloric intake to 1500 or less and lose one pound per week. For the average male to maintain his body weight, he should eat 2500 calories per day, or 2000 a day if he wants to lose one pound per week. This does not mean you should starve yourself or engage in any strict or harmful diet. You can eat well and enjoy your meals while being on a calorie deficit.
  2. Plan Your Meals: When you have a meal plan it makes you prepared, guides how you eat, and ensures you don’t eat carelessly. You are able to track your meal and over time you can see your eating habits. Having a meal plan makes weight loss easy because you are not constantly thinking of what to eat. It’s necessary to have a good meal plan, that will guide how and what you eat.
  3. Meal Prep: After you get a good meal plan, you need to prepare those meals ahead of time. You need to stock up on those meals, this makes cooking and eating easier. It relieves stress and helps keep you disciplined. You can take out one day of the week or a weekend to prepare your meals for the week and store them in the freezer, so when you want to eat, you just have to microwave them.

10-Day Weight Loss Meal Plan by Teas .ng.




Dinner  Snacks
Day 1 1Sachet of Winstown Slim Green Coffee with Ganoderma. 1Boiled egg. ½ medium-sized cucumber. 1Medium Sized moi-moi. 1boiled egg. 1small size Panla fish.  A cup of beans. Vegetables. 1 Panla fish.                  Apple slices and peanut butter. 
Day 2 1Sachet SLIM MILK TEA CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR. 2 Slices of white bread. 2 fried eggs.  1 cup of rice. 1 piece of chicken(without skin). Stir fry veggies.  A small size fruit bowl(Watermelon. Pawpaw.Cucumber) A small bowl of grapes. 
Day 3 1Sachet of Winstown Fat Blaster Diet Shake.1 tablespoon chai seed. Fruit Mix(small banana. Small piece of coconut.5 pieces almond nut) 100g of swallow. Oil-less okra Soup. 1 chicken drumstick/panla fish.  A cup of SLIM MILK TEA COFFEE FLAVOUR 5 pieces of garden egg.
Day 4 2 Slices of toast bread. Peanut butter spread(on the bread). A cup of ginger tea.  A serving of vegetable and chicken salad. (1 piece of skinless chicken). 3  pieces of Asun(Peppered  goat meat).

 2 boiled sweet potatoes.

A small bowl of strawberries.
Day 5 50g of oat pudding. 1 tablespoon of chai seed. 1 small cup of Kirkland Organic Almond Milk. ½ pink apple.  A cup of rice. Fresh tomato and egg sauce(1 egg). 1 Cup of green tea. 2 boiled eggs.

 ½ cucumber.

1 wedge of watermelon 

A small bowl of tiger nut. 
Day 6 1 wrap of small-sized okpa. A cup of chicken Republic rice. 1 drumstick of grilled chicken. Yam porridge with vegetables and fish.  Two Bananas
Day 7 Stir fry vegetables. 1 cup of rice. 1 piece of goat meat. Oha soup/Vegetable soup. 100g of swallow.  300g of unsweetened Greek yogurt.

 5 pieces of almond nut. 5 pieces of berries. 

5 slices of apple. 

One apple 
Day 8  2 Indomitable. 1 boiled egg. Salad(Cabbage and Carrot) No cream.  1 medium-sized chicken wrap. 2 pieces of Asun(peppered goat meat).

 2 boiled sweet potatoes. 

2Medium-sized cucumber. 
Day 9 1 wrap of okpa. A serving of vegetable salad(2 boiled eggs) Oha soup/Vegetable soup. 

100g of oat swallow. 

1 Pack of caparison(42 cal). 

A handful of cashew nuts.

Day 10 Yam porridge with vegetables and fish.  A bowl of fruit mix.  1 piece of Catfish pepper soup.

 3 medium sweet potatoes/yam. 


(Watermelon and Cucumber slices)

This is easily the most effective 10-day Nigerian weight loss meal plan. It has meals that are easily accessible to every Nigerian. You can substitute the meals to suit your preference.

Some Tips for Effective Fat Loss: 

  1. It is important to portion control, and if you are not sure about your portion, one easy way is to ensure your plate is 50% Veggies. 25% Carbs. 25% Protein. This way your body easily breaks down the food you consume.
  2. Do Not Starve Yourself.
  3. Ensure that what you are doing for fat loss can be sustained. Make your journey a lifestyle change. Start small and increase as your body adjusts.
  4. 1 cup of white rice is 200 calories.
  5. All soups should be oil-less. 1 tablespoon of oil is 120 calories.
  6. No Alcohol/Soda.
  7. Chicken should be skinless.
  8. Avoid fried foods, you can air fry or grill them.
  9. Prioritize proteins and fibers in your meals, as they are very good for Fat Loss.
  10. Drink water. You should drink at least 3Liters of water every day. You can get a water bottle, that helps you drink more water.
  11. Sleep very well, this is also very important for Fat Loss.
  12. You need to be disciplined, consistent, and patient during this journey. Try to enjoy it and have a good time. It’s okay to slip up and make mistakes, but you can pick yourself back up and continue.
  13. Get a spray bottle for your oil, that way you reduce the quantity used.


Fat-loss can be fun and enjoyable and the good part is, we can all do it together. You don’t have to starve yourself or engage in any strict or harmful diet. Please be patient with your body. When you are disciplined, consistent and do the right things, you will get results. We are rooting for you and we want to be a part of your journey. Send us a DM on Instagram, if you find this article useful and if you have more questions.


Written By:

Sharon Kanu. 






Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure is a deadly disease that has no cure but can be managed well. This article explains the risk of hypertension and highlights the 5 best teas that manage it perfectly.

High blood pressure is a condition where the pressure in the blood vessels is too high, this causes the heart to work too much and eventually damages the arteries. High blood pressure is often referred to as a silent killer because most people with high blood pressure do not experience any symptoms. The best way to know will be to get checked regularly.

Two measurements make up the blood pressure reading;

  1. Systolic: This is the top number, it measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats.
  2. Diastolic: This is the bottom number, it measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart rests between beats.

Normal blood pressure is lower than 120/80mmhg(120 being the systolic reading and 80 being the diastolic reading).

According to an article by the WHO,, Hypertension is diagnosed if, when it is measured on two different days, the systolic blood pressure readings on both days are≥140 mmHg and/or the diastolic blood pressure readings on both days is ≥90 mmHg.

What causes hypertension:

Hypertension is an illness that develops over time. It has no known cause, but certain lifestyles and activities can put a person at risk of developing it.

There are:

  1. Unhealthy diet: Constantly eating a diet full of fats, high in salt, and low in fruits and vegetables may lead to hypertension.
  2. Genetics: It is often transferred through genes from parent to child.
  3. Obesity: Blood pressure increases as the body’s weight increases. The heart has to do more work, which puts the individual at risk of hypertension.
  4. Stress: Chronic stress affects blood pressure. Stress hormones compress the blood vessels, this makes the heart work harder and can cause a spike in blood pressure.
  5. Smoking: Smoking causes a temporary rise in blood pressure. The sympathetic nervous system is activated, each time a person smoke. Over time this can damage the vessel in the heart and lead to hypertension.
  6. Age: Research shows that blood pressure rises as people get older, this is because the arteries stiffen with age.

What are the dangers of high blood pressure: 

  1. Heart Attack
  2. Stroke
  3. Kidney disease/failure
  4. Vision Loss
  5. Sexual Dysfunction
  6. Death

  5 Best Tea to Manage Hypertension: 

  1. Hibiscus Tea: Hibiscus tea also known as Zobo tea is a herbal tea made from the hibiscus plant. It can be consumed hot or cold and often comes with added ginger and lemon for a better taste. It is an antioxidant that helps treat several illnesses, it also acts as an ace inhibitor that manages blood pressure. Studies have shown it to lower blood pressure effectively. It has no side effects but may interact with other BP drugs. It can be taken at any time of the day. Some recommended hibiscus teas are Nozie Zoboo Red Tea (Hibiscus & Ginger), Sweet Tea Zobo Drink (Hibiscus & Ginger). 
  2. Pomegranate Tea: This tea is made from pomegranate seeds, flowers, or juice extract. Its anti-inflammatory components make it effective in lowering blood pressure. If taken alongside BP medications, it may lead to hypotension(Low blood pressure) It can be taken at any time of the day. Some recommended pomegranate teas are Samira Green Tea PomegranateSteep by BIGELOW Organic Green Tea & Pomegranate. 
  3. Grapefruit Tea: This is a refreshing tea made from grapefruit. Grapefruit is a citrus fruit with a sweet and sour flavor. It is a good source of vitamin C, Potassium and high in fiber. It contains antioxidants. It is high in polyphenols which helps to manage hypertension. It may interact with other BP drugs and should be taken alone.
  4. Lemon and Ginger Tea: Lemon and ginger are two natural ingredients that possess a lot of health benefits. This tea is made from a natural blend of ginger and lemon.  Ginger and Lemon have anti-oxidants that make them excellent at managing blood pressure. Some recommended lemon and ginger tea are: Alokozay Ginger & Lemon TeaLBE Lifegate Lemon & Ginger Green Tea.
  5. Chia Seeds Infused Water: Chia seeds are edible seeds of a flowery plant with numerous health benefits. There contain quercetin, an anti-oxidants that treats and manages diseases. It is high in fiber and is excellent for managing high blood pressure. Soak chia seeds for an hour, add half a lemon, and consume first thing in the morning. Chia seeds interact with medications for BP, and taking both at the same time can lead to low blood pressure(hypotension).
  6. ia seeds are:


Hypertension is a serious illness that often time show no symptom. It is important to check your BP regularly and make some lifestyle changes to manage it. It cannot be treated only managed. The teas above are great for managing BP and should be included in your daily routine.






Uterine Fibroids and 5 common misconceptions.

Uterine Fibroids and 5 common misconceptions.

Uterine Fibroids and 5 common misconceptions.

Uterine Fibroids and 5 common misconceptions. Uterine Fibroid is more common than we think, 2 in every 3 women develop fibroid at one point or the other during their reproductive years, this article will explain Uterine Fibroids, Its Symptoms, Causes, Various test available, 5 common misconceptions, and treatment options.

Fibroids are small tumors that develop around or within the Uterus. When cells are abnormal, there come together and form a tumor, the Uterus is simply a female reproductive organ where a baby develops and grows.

According to, fibroid clusters can range in size from 1 mm to more than 20 cm (8 inches) in diameter or even larger. For comparison, they can get as large as the size of a watermelon. These growths can develop within the wall of the uterus, inside the main cavity of the organ, or even on the outer surface.

Fibroids are rarely Cancerous, most fibroids are harmless and not all women have fibroid symptoms. It is possible to live with Fibroid without knowing. Black African women are most likely to develop fibroids than white women, there are also more prone to recurring fibroids and complications. Fibroids do not have any known cause yet but studies show that hormones, genetics, and certain lifestyle changes, can affect the formation and development of Fibroids.

Common Symptoms of Fibroid:

  1. Heavy Menstrual Flow.
  2. Prolonged menstruation Period.
  3. Pelvic pain and discomfort.
  4. Frequent Urination.
  5. Constipation and bloating.
  6. Weight gain.
  7. Backache or Leg Pain.
  8. Bladder Problems.
  9. Painful Sexual Intercourse.

Causes of Fibroids: Fibroids do not have any known cause yet but studies show that hormones, genetics, and certain lifestyle changes, can affect the formation and development of Fibroids. Some of them are:

  1. Early start of menstruation.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Lack of Vitamin D.
  4. Family History.
  5. Birth Control Use.
  6. Hormonal Imbalance.
  7. Diets high in red meat and low in vegetables.

How to test for Fibroid:

  1. Pelvic Examination: A pelvic exam is done to check the health of the female reproductive and sexual organs. This process examines the shape, size, and position of the Uterus and ovaries, and any abnormalities are noted and further investigations carried out. The first part of a pelvic exam is a visual examination of the vulva(outer part of the female genitalia), it is examined for sores, irritations, swellings, and any other abnormalities. Next, the internal visual exam is done. A speculum is used to spread the vagina walls open, this helps the vagina and cervix to be seen and examined. A pap smear comes after that, Cervical cells are collected, with a small wand, and taken for further examination. Lastly, a physical exam is done where, two lubricated fingers are inserted into the Vagina with one hand, while the doctor uses the other to lightly press the lower abdomen and assess the shape, size, and position of the ovaries and Uterus. The rectum is also assessed for any abnormalities. This pelvic exam enables the doctor to detect fibroid. Usually, if the Uterus is enlarged or abnormal, it’s an indication of Fibroid and further tests will be carried out.
  2. Ultrasound: An ultrasound uses sound waves to get images of structures within the body. This image provides the necessary information that the doctor needs. An ultrasound can be done either inside or outside the body. An abdominal ultrasound is a type of ultrasound carried out on the abdomen, a handheld device is moved across the belly to produce images that can be viewed on a screen, this helps the doctor to ascertain if fibroids are present. Transvaginal Ultrasound is where high-frequency sound waves create images of the internal organs of the pelvic region. These ultrasounds help in the detection and evaluation of fibroids.

These two tests may not always be enough, more imagining tests may be required, like MRI, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, and maybe even a biopsy. Most fibroids are very harmless and unless there pose a threat to the body, treatment is usually not necessary. The treatment option depends on the severity of the fibroids, the treatments are effective but the fibroids can re-grow. 

5 Common Misconception:

  1. All Fibroids Cause Pain: This is not true. Not all fibroids cause pain. Fibroids are mostly harmless and painless and it is possible to live a normal life without noticing the existence of fibroids in your body. The pains associated with fibroids are not experienced by everyone and it is an indication of the severity of the fibroid.
  2. All Fibroids must be removed: Most fibroids are harmless and do not need to be removed. If the fibroid does not pose a threat to the body, the risk of removing it might likely be more than just letting it be. Not all fibroids grow and some may even shrink after some time.
  3. Fibroids are Cancerous growths: It is extremely rare for a cancerous tumor to occur. It is really unlikely. Almost all fibroids are non-cancerous. Fibroids do not increase the chances of getting other forms of cancer.
  4. Fibroids only affect women 30 years and above: Fibroids affect women of all ages. It occurs during the reproductive years. Most women have fibroid but are not aware of it because there are no symptoms.
  5. Fibroids cause infertility: You can get and stay pregnant even with fibroids. Not all fibroids affect pregnancies, it depends on the size, location, and number of fibroids. It is possible to have fibroids and stay have a safe pregnancy and a healthy delivery.



Fibroids are more common than we know, as 2 in 3 women have fibroids but there do not always cause harm. As with any sickness, fibroids affect women in different ways. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for fibroids and it is important to always consult a medical doctor. The presence of fibroids does not mean infertility or cancer, those are myths that are not true.  Severe cases of fibroids are usually associated with a lot of pain, discomfort, and growth of the abdomen, early detection is always good and can facilitate treatment. It is advised to get a pelvic exam from age 21 and do it once every year to properly check and access the organs of the reproductive system.








5 Easy tips to keep the body healthy

5 Easy tips to keep the body healthy

5 Easy tips to keep the body healthy.

5 Easy tips to keep the body healthy. As humans, our body is our greatest asset. The activites that take up our time will become less important if our health is compromised. If we fall sick, we won’t be able to function correctly or carry out our regular activities. Our body needs to stay as healthy as it can at all times. We must always be health conscious and care for our bodies adequately.

This article lists some activities that help keep the body healthy.

  1. Drink Water: This is a ubiquitous phrase and is so common because it is essential. It’s easy to undermine the importance of what we do not fully understand. According to this article by Water Science School, Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. According to Mitchell and others (1945), the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles, and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%. Since the body is mainly made up of water, it must be kept hydrated by drinking enough water. Water helps to cleanse the system, aids digestion, forms saliva, lubricates the joints, etc. The health benefits of water are numerous. Drinking water can be difficult due to its tasteless nature, but adding fruits or cold infuse can help add a natural taste and make drinking water enjoyable. A good cold infuses Twinings Cold Infuse Rose Lemonade; this comes in different flavors and is very good.
  2. Regular Health Checkup: Regular health checkups are very good. Asides from treatments, getting necessary tests and checkups done will help improve your health. Prevention is better than cure; an early diagnosis aids in fast treatment. As we age, our body becomes prone to some diseases, but checkup helps in early detection and treatment. Hospital visits are not only for sick people; a checkup can save a life. Some essential checkups are; Blood Pressure Test. Blood Sugar Test. Pap Smear. Eye Exam. Pelvic Exam. Dental Exam. Prostate Screening. These test help to ensure that your body is in good shape. Immunization and supplements are also reasonable and necessary for maintaining good health.
  3. Physical Activity: Any amount of physical activity is better than none, and more is better. For health and well-being, WHO recommends at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week (or the equivalent vigorous activity) for all adults and an average of 60 minutes of moderate aerobic physical activity per day for children(World Health Organisation 2020).   Physical activity can be defined as all types of body movement, including leisure activities and exercise. Not doing enough physical activity is very dangerous to our health; something as minor as taking walks daily, skipping, jogging, cycling, or playing games can do much more for our health than we can imagine. In addition, these activities have lots of health benefits, and some are: Improved heart health,  Eases the feeling of anxiety and depression, Strengthens bones and muscles, Helps in weight loss, Improved immune system, and general well-being of the body.
  4. Good Sleep: Experts recommend that adults sleep between 7 and 9 hours a night. Adults who sleep less than 7 hours a night may have more health issues than those who sleep seven or more hours a night(NHLBI 2022). Sleep is simply being in a state of deep rest. Sleep is essential to overall body health; sleep helps the body relax. It gives a clear mind and improves productivity. Sleep strengthens the heart and promotes a healthy immune system. Poor sleep leads to low energy, mood swings, and headaches. It increases your risk for serious health problems. Several things can cause a lack of sleep: stress, anxiety, lifestyle factors, poor sleeping environment, certain medications, and poor diets. It is important to note that sleep is essential to our health and should not be overlooked. If you have trouble sleeping, rather than shrugging it off or getting used to it, find the root cause of the sleeplessness and treat it immediately.
  5. Healthy Diet: A healthful diet aims to improve our overall health. This diet contains all the nutrients and vitamins the body needs. Food is not only meant to satisfy hunger but it’s also meant to nourish the body. The quality of our food matters because it plays a massive role in our overall health. A healthy diet does not have to be boring or feel like a chore. The best way to eat healthily is to replace unhealthy meals you enjoy with healthier options. When you do the proper research, you will find better ways to have a balanced diet in all your meals. Eating meals high in fiber(oatmeal, nuts, berries) and high in protein(eggs, beef, dairy products) is essential. Cut down on salt usage, cut down on processed food, and replace junk with healthier options. For example, you can replace chocolates for fruits, fast food for homemade meals, fizzy drinks with flavored teas, etc. It’s also good to be open to trying new things, and that is because food should be enjoyed. It is also good to treat yourself occasionally, but it should not become a habit because most of these treats are unhealthy for the body.

A REMINDER: To ensure our body stays healthy, we must make good choices and improve our lifestyle. The tips in this article should become a part of us. Good health is essential and should not be taken for granted at any point. The older we get, the more intentional we need to be with our body and overall health.

Please note that the activities that take up our time will become less important if our health is compromised.








4 Natural Sweeteners and their Health Benefits. Sweeteners are additives that impart the taste of food and drinks, they help to give a sweet taste to the meal. The purpose of a sweetener is to sweeten, but there are two types of sweeteners.

This article will focus on giving a detailed explanation of 4 natural sweeteners and their health benefits with examples.

Natural Sweeteners: Natural sweeteners are sugar and sugar substitutes, that provide a sweet taste to meals and drinks, with little or no calories. They are obtained from natural fruits and plants, so they possess additional health benefits.

According to Natural sweeteners which are sugar substitutes are derived through extraction processes from fruits, roots, leaves, and other parts of plants. Unlike artificial sweeteners, these sugar substitutes are obtained naturally with no synthesis or artificial production processes involved.

4 Natural Sweetener and Their Health Benefits:

  1. Stevia Leaf:  Stevia is a natural sweetener that is gotten from the leaves of the stevia plant. Stevia is many times sweeter than natural sugar, so a little of it goes a very long way. The stevia leaf has almost no calories. It has anti-oxidants and anti-diabetic properties. It is great for boosting the immune system, it helps with weight loss. It lowers the glucose and insulin levels in the body and it rarely causes side effects. The stevia leaf can be found in some products like Truvia Naturally Sweetner and Tropicana Slim Stevia Sweetener.
  2.   Honey:  Honey is a very famous sugar substitute, that is gotten from Bees. Honey has existed for so long and is the most common sugar substitute. Honey’s advantage over sugar is that it doesn’t affect blood sugar levels as much as sugar does. Pure Honey is healthy but adulterated honey is less healthy.  A large percentage of honey available is adulterated. Adulterated honey is usually diluted with other ingredients, like chemically modified sugars and that makes it less healthy. Real honey sticks to the bottom of a glass of water, but adulterated honey dissolves quickly and sometimes leaves white traces. It is important to be able to differentiate between both of them, so as to use what’s best for your body. Asides from being a natural sweetener, honey has great health benefits for the body. It has anti-depressant and anti-anxiety benefits. It helps in the treatment of wounds and also aids in good memory. It relieves cough and helps the functioning of the heart. The benefits of honey are numerous but it is advised to take it in moderation. Some good brands of honey are Bosco Big Honey, BOSCO Small Honey.
  3. Dates Powder:  Dates powder is gotten from the Date fruit, which is scientifically known as phoenix dactylifera. It is a very tasty fruit, which is very high in nutrition. Dates fruit is very sweet and flavorful and this makes it a natural sweetener. It has a lower glycemic index, compared to refined sugar, and the fiber in dates helps to balance out the sugar which prevents a spike in blood sugar. It also has anti-oxidants which makes it very healthy. It supports the brain and prevents diseases. It also promotes natural labor, helps constipation, and controls blood sugar. This product is very tasty and very nutritious, such an amazing sugar substitute. Some good date powders are: Natures Flo Dates Powder, NUTRU SMART Dates Powder
  4. Tigernut Powder: Tigernut is very popular for its sweet juicy contents. Tigernut powder can be used as a natural sweetener. Tigernut contains vitamin C, B6, iron, Zinc, and a lot of other minerals and vitamins. It has numerous health benefits and that makes it the perfect healthy sweetener. It acts as an aphrodisiac, it enhances sexual pleasures and performance. It improves digestion. It reduces blood sugar levels. It improves heart health. It boosts the immune system and also helps to fight infections, just to name a few. A good tiger nut powder recommendation is NUTRU SMART Tigernuts Powder Sweetner . 


Sugar is good but nature has given us healthy options for sweetening. These healthy options perfectly substitute sugar and still give us a lot of added health benefits. It’s important to note that some of these sweeteners are much sweeter than sugar and so a little goes a long way. As with every other thing in life, moderation is key and the only thing that doesn’t contain calories is water, so consume them with care.


























































































5 Powerful teas to boost your immune system.

5 Powerful teas to boost your immune system.

5 Powerful teas to boost your immune system.

5 powerful teas to boost your immune system. The immune system is the body’s tool for preventing or limiting infection. Its complex network of cells, organs, proteins, and tissues enables it to defend the body from bacteria, viruses, parasites, and more(MedicalNewsToday 2023).

The Immune system does a lot of work. Its main function is to protect the body against disease-causing germs and fight these germs. It has a record of germs it encounters, and this helps it to recognize and fight them easier when they next appear.

The immune system is mainly made up of two sub-systems:

  1. Innate Immune System: This is the natural and inbuilt defense every human is born with. It can be seen as the body’s first line of defense. It is the body’s first level of protection against disease-causing germs.  As the body’s first line of defense, it is wired to act fast and respond quickly to protect the body. Some examples are the Cough reflex, The Skin.
  2. Adaptive Immune: According to Bcampus in this article, Adaptive immunity is an immunity that occurs after exposure to an antigen either from a pathogen or a vaccination. This part of the immune system is activated when the innate immune response is insufficient to control infection. When the innate immune system which is the first line of defense, is unable to defend the body, the adaptive immune system is triggered and it begins to work. It takes longer for the adaptive immune system to act, it is wired to keep records of every antigen it fights, it builds immunity against them and this helps it to fight them better when next there are detected.

The level of work the immune system does is major and heavy, so it is necessary for it to be as healthy as possible. It constantly Faces threats and has to fight diseases causing germs, which sometimes can cause it to weaken, that is why it is important to do the right things to boost the immune system and always keep the body protected.

Teas are the second most consumed drink after water. Teas are loaded with a lot of health benefits, there are easy to consume, safe, and without side effects.

Teas are organics and are produced from various blends of herbs, plants, and roots that are highly beneficial to the body. There are certain teas that are specifically produced for the boosting and improvement of the immune system. These teas are packed with all the nutrients and vitamins that the immune system needs to keep it healthy and further strengthen it.

Teas that boost the immune system:

1. AHMAD IMMUNE TEA: This tea has a perfect blend of Lemon, Ginger, and  Turmeric. Lemons are a good source of vitamin C, one lemon contains about 51%  of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C contains anti-oxidants which is perfect for boosting and improving the immune system. Ginger & Turmeric have strong anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects. Gingerol the compound contained in raw ginger has anti-microbial & anti-fungal properties that are beneficial to the immune system. This fruit and herbs-infused tea are perfect for immune boosting. It is flavorful and just two cups a day gives the immune system, the extra boost and support it needs to keep it going.

2. TETLEY SUPER FRUITS TEA: Tetley is an English beverage manufacturer, founded in 1837. It is the largest tea company in the United Kingdom and Canada. Tetley super fruits tea is a blend of fruits and herbs infusion with added vitamin C that provides the body with Anti-oxidants which improves the immune system. This tea has a variety of flavors, some are: Tetley Immune with Vitamin C.  Tetley Boost with Vitamin B6.  Tetley Super Green Tea Immune with Vitamin CTetley Super Fruits Boost Cranberry & Elderflower.  The Tetley company has years of experience which has helped them to improve the quality of their teas over time. This tea is just perfect for boosting the immune system.

3. BIGELOW BENEFITS STAY WELL: According to the Bigelow family has been dedicated to the craft of making high-quality teas since 1945, the difference is always in the details! The family sources ingredients from high-elevation gardens with exceptional teas that hail from the misty mountain tops of India and Sri Lanka, where tea leaves are harvested at their peak by-hand. Why? The unique climate of these regions nurtures a bold and well-rounded flavor, as well as beautiful aromas, in every blend.

The Bigelow Family has built a solid tea company and this makes their tea perfect for consumption. Bigelow Benefits Stay Well tea is a perfect blend of Echinacea Flowers, Lemongrass, Rosehips, and Elderflowers. These herbs and flowers aid in the general well-being of the immune system. Echinacea flower has been known to increase the amount of white blood cells, amongst other things, and this helps to fight infection. Lemongrass and Rosehips are packed with antioxidants, which is exactly what the immune system needs to help boost it. It also has a blend of elderflower, which contains bio-flavonoids and is known for killing common pathogens.

The blends of herbs and fruits present in this tea make it a very effective and easy way of boosting the immune system.

4. LA BOTTI IMMUNE BOOSTER: La Botti Immune Booster provides anti-oxidant effects, activates vitality, maintains the proper functioning of the respiratory system, and supports the body’s natural immunity. La Botti Immune Booster is infused with herbs and roots that supply the immune system with the right amount of nutrients it needs to aid its growth.

La Botti is a Nigerian brand that was incorporated in 2014. Their tea is made from a fine collection of specially grown herbs, roots, and vegetables, which are tended to carefully.

It is easy to use and perfect for immune boosting.

5. GOTEA IMMUNITY BOOSTER: Gotea Immunity Tea is a combination of powerful herbs that are traditionally used to build and support the immune system, fight bacteria, promote healing, cleanse the lymphatic system, detox, and purify the blood. Gotea is a Nigerian FMCG Company that manufactures and sells natural wellness products across the world. The Gotea brand is built on family values and these have helped them to produce and operate better. This tea is a go-to for immune boosting and the general well-being of the body. It is easy to take and no contradictions have been established so far.


These teas are so good and easy to use and are prepared for the purpose of immune-boosting. These teas do not and cannot take the place of a healthy balanced diet. To attain maximum benefits from these products, you must maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat well, drink water, exercise regularly, and get adequate rest.

Your immune system is the body’s defense against disease-causing germs and the state of your immune system determines the general state of your body.












Healthy skin is an asset. Due to how important it is, there are a lot of misconceptions associated with it. 

To properly care for the skin, it is necessary to have a good understanding of it.

This article discusses the skin, its parts, and 3 proper ways to maintain healthy skin.

The Skin:

According to an article by cleavlandclinic the skin is the body’s largest organ, made of water, protein, fats, and minerals. Your skin protects your body from germs and regulates body temperature. Nerves in the skin help you feel sensations like hot and cold.  Your skin, along with your hair, nails, oil glands, and sweat glands, is part of the integumentary (in-TEG-you-MENT-a-ree) system. “Integumentary” means a body’s outer covering.

Parts of the Skin:

  1. Epidermis Layer: The epidermis is the top layer of the skin. It provides a waterproof barrier that protects the skin and it’s also the layer responsible for setting the tone of the skin.
  2. Dermis: This is the second layer under the epidermis. It contains tissues and is responsible for housing the body’s blood vessels, hair follicles, and oil & sweat glands. It contains nerve endings that send signals to the brain. The dermis is responsible for the structure, shape & elasticity of the skin.
  3. Hypodermis: This layer of the skin is made up of subcutaneous (under the skin) fats, connective tissues, blood vessels, and nerve cells. It is the layer of the skin where fat is deposited and stored. The tissue here produces (Adipocytes), a cell that stores fat used for energy, cushioning, and insulation.

What exactly is healthy skin:

  Magazines and Beauty ads have set up unrealistic beauty standards. Standards that are not achievable. Healthy skin is skin that is properly taken care of.

Healthy skin is not flawless skin because realistically, the concept of having flawless skin is a myth. It is impossible for the skin to be flawless at all times. It’s important to understand that the primary function of the skin is protection, our skin does much more than just beautification, it is the largest organ in the entire body, and it is so important that we need to properly take care of it.

Hormonal changes and general body activities cause the skin to react with breakouts, redness, dryness, and other symptoms which are totally normal and common to every person.

Healthy skin is a mirror of a healthy body and mind.

The only way to achieve healthy skin is to be able to properly understand that the skin was not designed to be flawless and know that the skin is worth more than its beauty, then look for only the proper ways to maintain it.


  1. Love Your Skin: Your skin is worth more than its beauty. It is an essential part of your existence and it deserves to be loved and appreciated. The skin does so much for us and it’s unfair to treat it a certain way because of how we feel it should look. Flawless skin is a myth.

The truth is that the health of the skin is greatly determined by genes, Genetics plays a huge role in the general appearance of the skin, and this is the more reason why you need to accept and love your skin the way it is.  That will enable you to take out time to understand your skin and it’s that understanding that will aid you in making better decisions for your skin.

  1. Skin Care Routine: Having a skincare routine is one of the best ways to take care of your skin. A skincare routine is a lineup of activities that provides the skin with the proper support and protection it needs. A skincare routine is not one-size-fits-all, as humans are different so is the skin, different skin has different issues and a skincare routine is customized according to the skin type and issues of concern.

             It is advisable to visit a good dermatologist that will carry out the right examination on your skin and help you build a skincare routine that works.

            The constant buying and usage of different products are unhealthy for the skin, good skin care is not in the number of products but it is in using the right product that addresses your skin issues.

The good housekeeping in this article highlighted three main skincare routine steps as approved by dermatologists.

  1. A Healthy Diet: What goes into our body has an important role to play in our overall body health. A healthy diet consists of a variety of food, fruits, and vegetables which are rich in essential nutrients that can help and support the skin. Some vitamins that help the skin are:
  • Polyphenols: It protects the skin against ultraviolet radiation & aid cell growth. It can be gotten from Tea, Coffee, Grapes, Chocolate, and Vegetables.
  • Vitamin E: It helps to prevent cell damage. Vitamin E can be gotten from Almond fruit, Sunflower seeds, and peanuts.
  • Vitamin C: Helps to fight wrinkles and provides anti-oxidants. Vitamin C can be obtained from Citrus Fruit, Bell Peppers, Kiwi, and Strawberries.
  • Lycopene: Helps to smoothen out the skin. Good sources of Lycopene are Tomatoes, melons, and watermelons.
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Improves Cholesterol and battles inflammation. Good sources are  Mackerel, Cod Liver Oil, Salmon, Sardines, Flax Seeds, and Chai Seeds.


Genetics plays a huge role in the general appearance and health of the skin.  It’s best to love your skin for what it is and only look for the best ways to take care of it. A healthy diet,  A good skincare routine, Proper sleep, and quality rest will improve the quality of your skin.

Remember that flawless skin is a myth and it is unachievable. Accept your skin for everything that it is and do away with beauty standards.




Written by Sharon Kanu.